how to run plumbing to a detached garageIf you’re tired of living without a garage sink, or think your garage is the perfect place for your washing machine or a guest shower, you’ll need to run an underground water line out to it. Running utilities can be expensive or very cost-effective, depending on several factors such as the foundation of the garage or the distance from your water main to your garage. Here’s what you should consider when estimating the cost for this project and how to run plumbing to your garage.

Factors that Affect Cost

The first question that often comes to mind for homeowners planning this project is: how much will it cost? Several factors may affect the price a plumber quotes you to run plumbing to your detached garage. Here are a few things to consider:

  • Material cost: The cost of your pipes and valves will change the cost of your plumbing.
  • Garage foundation: Concrete garage foundations add expense to the project because the plumber needs to spend time drilling through them. But there are ways to reduce this cost.
  • Depth of the main: If your main sewer line is deeper than normal, that will add cost to the project.
  • If the garage is insulated: Insulated garages can have water heaters inside of them, which will supply hot water more efficiently than water heaters located further away. You may not need hot water, though.
  • If the garage is ventilated: You will need to add ventilation to your garage in order to install plumbing, or it will suffer from moisture and condensation issues. You’ll also need to add a plumbing vent in the roof of the garage itself.
  • The layout of the house and garage: It will be more expensive to run a plumbing line between a garage and home that are further apart, or if the home’s plumbing isn’t conveniently close.

When you’re estimating the cost for your project, you may also consider if the addition of plumbing in your garage will boost your home value. That can help offset the cost down the road.

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How to Run Plumbing to a Garage

Here are the steps you and your plumbers can take to run utilities to your garage.

  • Plan the connection: Which part of your home’s existing plumbing is closest to the garage? Then consider slope, as drainage pipes will require slope to work properly. Your plumber can guide you through the planning process.
  • Dig out: Whether he or she is working in concrete or in the ground, your plumber will need to make room for the new pipes by digging it out, cutting holes in the garage and potentially the home.
  • Install plumbing: Your plumber will then install all the fixtures, plumbing, and ventilation you need to make the system work. If the plan is to convert a garage into a ADU, you’ll typically need sinks, faucets, toilets, and a shower, but the exact requirements can vary from place to place.

Much about this kind of project depends on your specific home, garage, and what you’re installing. A plumber can help you find ways to reduce the cost of the project or tell you what will be involved. Planning ahead is also the best way to avoid plumbing repairs and plumbing emergency service down the road due to poor components and installation.