clogged toiletIf you’re landing on this page in an act of desperation, we’re sorry. While we’d like to think that our toilets can flush anything, it just isn’t true (check out some of the things that CAN flush down the toilet, though we don’t recommend trying this at home).

It’s never fun to have all the toilets in your house clogged at once, and it’s even less fun to try unclogging them yourself. If you’re handy and want to give it the old college try, though, more power to you. Below are our tips for what to do when all toilets in your house are clogged – and when to cave in and just call a professional.

Try clearing your toilet without chemicals

First off, if the toilets in your home aren’t just clogged but are also overflowing, please TURN OFF THE WATER at the base of each toilet. This will prevent you from having to clean up an even…more unpleasant (and biohazardous) mess.

You should first try to unclog the toilets without harsh chemicals. Why? Chemicals are marketed as a fast, hassle-free solution to toilet clogs, but they actually will do more harm than good to the inner-workings of your plumbing. Stay clear of over the counter drain cleaners and instead try to do things the old fashioned way.

Try these chemical-free unclogging methods:

Clear your toilet with a trusty old plunger

Oh, that’s right – if you don’t have a plunger on hand, then you should do yourself a favor and pick one up at the dollar store next time you’re out. A plunger might seem gross or medieval, but trust us. It’s not. The plunger will do its job effectively time and time again.

There are several types of plungers out there, but for your toilet you’ll want a toilet or flange plunger plunger (not an accordion plunger or cup plunger). The other types of plungers will work, but not quite as effectively since they won’t make as tight of a seal. (Note, you should have just one designated plunger for your toilet, for sanitation reasons. You don’t want to plunge your poop filled toilet and then your kitchen sink for (hopefully) obvious reasons).

Ok, so you have a plunger at hand. How do you use it? There are lots of videos about proper plunging technique (videos that you probably will be too frantic to search for and watch when all of the toilets in your house  Regardless, the basic plunging technique is the same: cover the hole fully, push down 3-4 times on the plunger in succession, break the seal, and hopefully see your doodoo go down the drain. That’s it!

Desperate? Skip the chemicals and call your local plumber

Honestly, don’t get too carried away trying to fix a serious toilet clog on your own. If all of the toilets in your home are backed up at the same time (and this has happened a few times in recent months) then you NEED to call a professional. This could be a serious sign of a bigger problem, like a main sewer line clog, which you won’t be able to fix on your own.

What’s your go-to method for removing toilet clogs?

If you frequently experience all toilets in your house clogging at the same time, well, then you probably have a bigger issue at hand (likely a main sewer line clog, or else very bad hygiene habits around the home). We know you’ve got at least one friend who lived in a frat house and has witnessed some nasty toilet clogs first hand. That means they’ve also developed some tips and tricks when it comes to unclogging all the toilets in the house. Share your stories below!